Gillian Anderson is a conductor and musicologist.
She has conducted throughout the United States as well as in Europe, South America, and Canada.
She has participated in the restoration and reconstruction of the original orchestral scores written to accompany over forty of the great silent films and has conducted them in synchronization with their projection at many important film festivals, universities, and performing arts centers with many symphony orchestras, most recently Stark Love (Brown, 1927) at the Museum of Modern Art and Modern Times (Chaplin) with the FVG Orchestra in Udine.
BMG Classics has released her reconstruction and performance of Nosferatu (Murnau, 1921). Carmen (DeMille, 1915) is available from Video Artists International (VAI) (VAI 69222).
Haexan (Christiansen, 1922) and Pandora’s Box (Pabst, 1928) have been released by Criterion Films and Master of the House (Christiansen) is to be released in 2014.
Ms. Anderson has written four books (among them Music for Silent Films 1894-1929: A Guide which is available online from the Library of Congress Music Division. With Ron Sadoff she is the co-editor of the online journal, Music and the Moving Image (University of Illinois Press).
Her translation of Ennio Morricone and Sergio Miceli, Composing for the Cinema has be published by Scarecrow Press.
Her article “D. W. Griffith’s Intolerance: Revisiting a Reconstructed Text,” has appeared in Film History, 25,3 and “The Score for Way Down East: A Harbinger of the Future” in the Proceedings from the Conference La storiografia musicale e la musica per film (Fondazione Ugo e Olga. Levi, Venice). 2010, nov 13-‐14, forthcoming, Venice, Fondazione Levi, 2013.