The Twenty-ninth Edition of the “2 Agosto” International Composing Competition is announced.

The Twenty-ninth Edition of the “2 Agosto” International Composing Competition is announced. The XXIX Edition of the International Composing Competition “2 Agosto” is dedicated to scores for orchestra, without the addition of solo instruments. The Competition will award the following three prizes:First Prize: € 6,000; Second Prize: € 3,000; Third Prize: € 2,000. The winning […]

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Concorso 2 Agosto announces the program of 2022 Final Concert

Concorso 2 Agosto is proud to announce the program of XXVIII Edition that will take place in Piazza Maggiore in Bologna at 9:15 pm on August 2nd 2022. The winning scores will be performed live in Bologna, Piazza Maggiore, on August 2nd, 2022, during the commemorative events in memory of the victims of the slaughters. The concert […]

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The Winners of XXVIII Edition of Concorso 2 Agosto are…

The jury, composed of Ivan Fedele (President), Charlotte Seither, Pasquale Corrado, Malika Kishino and Fabio Nieder, met last week and thoroughly examined all the scores in the competition. Concorso 2 Agosto is proud to announce the winners of the 2022 Edition. First prize:Eugenio Mininni (Italy)Composition title: (My room has) two doors Second Prize:Farzan Salsabili (Iran)Composition title: Pre[c]lude Third Prize:Agustín Castellón Molina (Chile)Composition title: a […]

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Only one week left to participate in the Competition! Hurry up!

The XXVIII Edition of the International Composing Competition “2 Agosto” is dedicated to scores for orchestra, without the addition of solo instruments. Deadline for the online applications: June 30, 2022, at midnight GMT. The Competition is open to musicians of all nationalities, who were born after the 31st December 1987. Scores must be sent according […]

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The Final Concert will be broadcasted LIVE on TV!

The winning scores will be performed live in Bologna, Piazza Maggiore, on August 2nd, 2022, during the commemorative events in memory of the victims of the slaughters. The big news is that the “2 august” concert will be broadcasted LIVE on Rai5. It will be also available on demand on RaiPlay and in live audio on RaiPlayRadio. The […]

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The Board of Judges of the 2022 Edition is announced

Concorso 2 Agosto is proud to announce the Board of Judges of the XXVIII Edition: Ivan Fedele (Italy) – President Pasquale Corrado (Italy) Charlotte Seither (Germany) Malika Kishino (Japan) Fabio Nieder (Italy/Germany) Find out more and read the judges’ biographies on The XXVIII Edition of the International Composing Competition “2 Agosto” is dedicated to scores for orchestra, […]

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The conductor for the XXVIII Edition will be Pasquale Corrado

Pasquale Corrado will conduct the concert of the 28th edition in Piazza Maggiore, Bologna, on Aug. the 2nd, 2022. Conductor, composer, and producer following his degrees in Piano, Vocal Music and Choral Conducting, he graduated with distinction in Composition at the Conservatory “G. Verdi” of Milan under the guide of Alessandro Solbiati and in Orchestral […]

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The Chairman of the Jury for the XXVIII International Composing Competition

The Concorso 2 Agosto is proud to announce the Chairman of the Jury for the XXVIII International Composing Competition, who will be Ivan Fedele. Read More about Ivan Fedele The board of Judges will be announced soon on The XXVIII Edition of the International Composing Competition “2 Agosto” is dedicated to scores for orchestra, without the addition […]

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The XXVIII Edition of the “2 Agosto” International Composing Competition is announced

The Twenty-eighth Edition of the “2 Agosto” International Composing Competition is announced. The XXVIII Edition of the International Composing Competition “2 Agosto” is dedicated to scores for orchestra, without the addition of solo instruments. The Competition will award the following three prizes:First Prize: € 6,000; Second Prize: € 3,000; Third Prize: € 2,000. The winning […]

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Disponibi i biglietti gratuiti per il Concerto Finale

L’accesso al Concerto è gratuito, ma date le misure per fronteggiare l’emergenza epidemiologica da COVID-19, occorre prenotare il proprio posto in platea. Sul sito gestito dalla Cineteca di Bologna è già possibile scegliere il proprio posto e stampare il proprio biglietto in maniera totalmente gratuita. Regole per l’accesso 1) Per accedere allo spettacolo stampa il […]

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