Disponibi i biglietti gratuiti per il Concerto Finale

L’accesso al Concerto è gratuito, ma date le misure per fronteggiare l’emergenza epidemiologica da COVID-19, occorre prenotare il proprio posto in platea. Sul sito clappit.com gestito dalla Cineteca di Bologna è già possibile scegliere il proprio posto e stampare il proprio biglietto in maniera totalmente gratuita. Regole per l’accesso 1) Per accedere allo spettacolo stampa il […]

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Concorso 2 Agosto announces the program of 2021 Final Concert

Concorso 2 Agosto is proud to announce the program of XXVII Edition that will take place in Piazza Maggiore in Bologna at 9:15 pm on August 2nd 2021. The winning scores will be performed live in Bologna, Piazza Maggiore, on August 2nd, 2021, during the commemorative events in memory of the victims of the slaughters. […]

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Winners of the XXVII Edition

The jury, composed of Ivan Fedele (President), Marco Angius, Claudio Ambrosini, Unsuk Chin and Augusta Read Thomas, met last week and thoroughly examined all the scores in the competition. Concorso 2 Agosto is proud to announce the winners of the 2021 Edition. First prize:Francesco Vitucci (Italy)Composition title: Nelle pieghe Second Prize:Cesare Rolli (Italy)Composition title: Fluo […]

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Only a few days left to participate in the Competition! Hurry up!

Deadline for the online application: June 27, 2021, at midnight GMT This year’s Competition is dedicated to scores for orchestra, without the addition of solo instruments. The Competition is open to musicians of all nationalities, who were born after the 31st December 1986. Score submissions do not involve any charges: participation in the competition is free of any application fee. The Competition will […]

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The Final Concert will be broadcast LIVE on TV

The winning scores will be performed live in Bologna, Piazza Maggiore, on August 2nd, 2021, during the commemorative events in memory of the victims of the slaughters. This year the big news is that the “2 august” concert will be broadcast LIVE on Rai5. It will be also available on demand on RaiPlay and in live audio on RaiPlayRadio. […]

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The Board of Judges of the 2021 Edition is announced

Concorso 2 Agosto is proud to announce the Board of Judges of the XXVII Edition: Ivan Fedele (President) Marco Angius Claudio Ambrosini Unsuk Chin Augusta Read Thomas The XXVII Edition of the International Composing Competition “2 Agosto” isdedicated to scores for orchestra, without the addition of solo instruments. The Competition is open to musicians of all nationalities, who […]

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The conductor for the XXVII Edition has been announced

The Concorso 2 Agosto is proud to announce the Conductor of 2021 Edition will be Marco Angius.  Marco Angius is an excellent conductor for the contemporary musical repertoire. Among the most recent productions: Jakob Lenz by Rihm (Teatro Comunale di Bologna), La volpe astuta by Janácek (National Academy of Santa Cecilia), Luca Mosca’s Italy of destiny […]

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The President of the Jury has been announced

The Concorso 2 Agosto is proud to announce the President of the Jury for the XXVII International Composing Competition, will be Ivan Fedele. Read More about Ivan Fedele The board of Judges will be announced soon on www.concorso2agosto.it The Twenty-seventh Edition of the “2 Agosto” International Composing Competition” is promoted by the “Teatro Comunale di Bologna”, by the “Associazione tra i Familiari Vittime […]

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The Twenty-seventh Edition of the “2 Agosto” International Composing Competition is announced

The Twenty-seventh Edition of the “2 Agosto” International Composing Competition is announced. The XXVII Edition of the International Composing Competition “2 Agosto” is dedicated to scores for orchestra without the addition of solo instruments. The Competition will award the following three prizes:First Prize: € 6,000; Second Prize: € 3,000; Third Prize: € 2,000. The winning […]

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Concerto Finale 2020 su prenotazione

In ottemperanza alle misure di sicurezza anti-Covid predisposte del Comune di Bologna, occorrerà prenotare il proprio posto per poter assistere al Concerto Finale del Concorso Internazionale di Composizione previsto per la serata del 2 Agosto 2020 in Piazza Maggiore. Ecco il link per prenotare l’accesso a Piazza Maggiore: https://piazzamaggiore.cinetecabologna.18tickets.it/film/6358 Così come il Concerto, anche tutte […]

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