The conductor for the XXVI Edition is announced

The Concorso 2 Agosto is proud to announce the Conductor of 2018 Edition will be Asher Fisch.  A renowned conductor in both the operatic and symphonic worlds, Asher Fisch is especially celebrated for his interpretative command of core German and Italian repertoire of the Romantic and post-Romantic era. Click here to read Asher Fisch Biography The […]

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Only one week left to participate in the Competition! Hurry up!

This year’s Competition is dedicated to scores for orchestra, with or without the addition of electronic instruments. The Competition is open to musicians of all nationalities, who were born after the 31st December 1985. Score submissions do not involve any charges: participation in the competition is free of any application fee. The Competition will award the following prizes: First Prize: € 6,000; Second […]

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The Board of Judges of the 2020 Edition is announced

Concorso 2 Agosto is proud to announce the Board of Judges of the XXVI Edition: Alessandro Solbiati (President) Beat Furrer Silvia Colasanti Michele dall’Ongaro Bruno Mantovani The XXVI Edition of the International Composing Competition “2 Agosto” is dedicated to scores for orchestra with or without the addition of electronic instruments. Deadline for the online application: June […]

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Concorso 2 Agosto piange la scomparsa di Lidia Secci

Tutto lo staff del Concorso 2 Agosto si unisce al cordoglio per la scomparsa di Lidia Secci. Scomparsa a Terni all’età di 96 anni, Lidia Secci è stata fra le fondatrici dell’Associazione fra i famigliari delle Vittime della Strage alla Stazione di Bologna del 2 Agosto 1980. Torquato Secci, il marito, è stato il primo […]

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The President of the Jury has been announced

The Concorso 2 Agosto is proud to announce the President of the Jury for the XXVI International Composing Competition, will be M.o Alessandro Solbiati. Read More about Maestro Alessandro Solbiati The board of Judges will be announced soon on The Twenty-sixth Edition of the “2 Agosto” International Composing Competition” is promoted by the “Teatro Comunale di […]

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Avviso importante

A causa delle previste avverse condizioni meteo, il Concerto di questa sera si terrà al Teatro Auditorium Manzoni e non in piazza Maggiore, sempre alle 21.15. Entrata libera fino ad esaurimento posti. Lo segnala il Comune in una nota. “Le avverse previsioni metereologiche potrebbero impedirne lo svolgimento all’aperto”. Protagonisti dell’evento l’Orchestra e il Coro del […]

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And the Winners are…

The Jury of the 25th Edition of the International Composing Competition “2 Agosto” has awarded the following prizes:  1st Prize – Luca Ricci, from Piacenza, Italy, score title: Transitori Permanenti 2nd Prize – Carmelo Bongiovanni, from Reggio Calabria, Italy, score title: Colors 3rd Prize – Lin Sen, from Shenyang, China, score title: Autumn Furthermore, the […]

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